4x5" (Color-Negative)
We develop your 4x5" (sheet film) color negative films in the classic C-41 process in our professional dip & dunk machines.
You can select the following here:
Special development (push/pull):
Thanks to the extremely precise dip & dunk machines, we can push and pull your negatives in a targeted manner to meet your exact preferences.
Digitization using Hasselblad scan including spot removal:
We only offer high-end scans for sheet films. These are produced using a calibrated Hasselblad X5 scanner. The image is checked on calibrated proof monitors. All image data is cleaned and delivered as TIFs in the media-neutral color space ECI-RGBv2.
Shipping the negatives:
If you want your negatives returned, then also select the negative return shipping product. This will be stated as €0.00, but then calculates the shipping automatically, depending on where the shipping is done. If your order totals over 50€, the shipping is free.
If you do not select return shipping, we will assume that you will pick up the negatives from our store.
Choose your extras (optional):
Prices incl. VAT
From students to professionals, there's something for everyone
Our packages explained

- Our usual packages
- Choice between 35mm and medium formatt
- Choice between C-41, SW & E-6
- Noritsu-Scans in S, M & XL
- Slight color correction
- Delivery in max. 7 days (from arrival)
- Delivery as JPG or TIF via WeTransfer
- Negative storage max. 6 weeks

- Our new high-end packages
- Choice between 35mm, medium format and 4x5” large format
- Choice between C-41, SW & E-6
- Pro-Scans with Fuji Frontier and Noritsu
- Pro-Scans in S, M & XL
- Advanced color correction
- Retouched & rotated scans
- Delivery in max. 2 days (from arrival)
- Delivery as TIF via WeTransfer
- Negatives cut into Printfile sleeves
- Negative storage 3 months

- Standard with reduced prices
- Proof of student/apprentice status required
- Choice between 35mm and medium format
- Choice between C-41 and SW
- Noritsu-Scans in S und M
- Slight color correction
- Delivery in max. 7 days (from arrival)
- Delivery as JPG via WeTransfer
- Negative storage max. 6 weeks